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The Repositories section includes properties related to TMG repositories.


Export Record ID

The Export Record ID property control whether TMG to GEDCOM exports the TMG repository ID to a substructure under the REPO tag for a repository.

TMG to GEDCOM always uses the TMG repository ID as the XREF value on the REPO record. This property controls whether the value is also written using an additional GEDCOM record.

The choices are:

  • Do not export — The TMG repository ID is not exported except as the XREF value on the REPO record.
  • Export to RIN — The TMG repository ID is exported using the RIN tag.
  • Export to REFN — The TMG repository ID is exported using the REFN tag.
  • Export to custom tag — The TMG repository ID is exported using the custom tag defined by the Export Record ID Tag property.

The default is "Export to REFN".

Export Record ID Tag

The Export Record ID Tag property defines the GEDCOM tag TMG to GEDCOM uses when it exports the TMG repository ID and Export Record ID is set to "Export to custom tag".