

This section includes the strings TMG to GEDCOM uses for sentence structures when processing sentence templates.


Punctuation Between Items

The Punctuation Between Items text is used when a variable returns multiple items, such as when a Person Variable returns the names of multiple people. The Punctuation Between Items text is inserted between each item except for the last. The default value is ", ", a comma and a space.

Conjunction, Two Items

The Conjunction, Two Items text is used between the items when a variable returns two items. The default value is " and ".

Conjunction, More Items

The Conjunction, More Items text is used between the last and next-to-last items when a variable returns more than two items. The default value is ", and ".

Sentence Punctuation Characters

The Sentence Punctuation Characters text defines the characters that TMG to GEDCOM will treat as sentence-ending punctuation. The default value is ".?!".

TMG to GEDCOM will add a period to the end of a sentence, but will not do so if the sentence already ends with one of the sentence punctuation characters.

Clause Punctuation Characters

The Clause Punctuation Characters text defines the characters that TMG to GEDCOM will treat as clause-ending punctuation. The default value is ";,".

When adding text to a sentence, TMG to GEDCOM attempts to determine if the existing text ends with a clause punctuation character, such as a comma. If the new text begins with a clause punctuation character, such as another comma, TMG to GEDCOM will omit the additional comma.

Line Break

The Line Break text is used to insert a line break into the output. The default value is the HTML BREAK tag, "<br>".

New Paragraph Break

The New Paragraph Break text is used to start a new paragraph in the output. The default value is two HTML BREAK tags followed by a SPAN tag to add an indent, "<br><br><span class="gs-p-indent"></span>".