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Family Tree Builder

Family Tree Builder (FTB) is a genealogy application from MyHeritage and synchronizes data with the online service provided by MyHeritage.

Template Notes

John Cardinal created this template and tested with version of FTB.

Citation Reference

FTB has no citation field that is equivalent to TMG's Citation Reference. The template sets the Tag Names.Citation Reference Tag to "DATA.TEXT". FTB loads the Citation Reference value into the "Text from source" field of the citation.


FTB does not support sort dates. The template sets Dates.Include Sort Dates to unchecked so sort dates are not included in the GEDCOM export file.


FTB does not recognze primary indicators, so the template sets Exhibits.Include Primary Indicators to unchecked.

FTB does not consider any person exhibit imported from GEDCOM as the "personal photo" which is a significant drawback to importing person images into FTB using GEDCOM.

The image caption field becomes the Title.

The exhibit's Description field in TMG is exported using a NOTE GEDCOM record, but the value is not loaded into the Notes section by FTB.


The template sets Flags.Flags to "Export as EVEN/TYPE". TMG flags become events in FTB with the flag value in the Description field of the FTB event.

If the flag value is "Y" or "y", FTB will ignore that value. The event will appear in the Facts list for a person, but the Description will be empty.

If you want the "Y" or "y" values to appear in the Description of the FTB Fact, you may set the Flags.Flag Value Prefix to a non-empty value, such as "V:".

The template sets Flags.Omit Value 'N' to checked and Flags.Omit Value '?' to checked. You may wish to modify those settings based on your preferences.


FTB does not recognize primary indicators, so the template sets GEDCOM Format.Include Primary Indicators to unchecked.

GEDCOM Tag Names

The template sets Tag Names.Citation Reference Tag to "DATA.TEXT". See the Citation Reference section above.

The template sets Tag Names.Formatted Source Tag to "TEXT". See the Sources section below.

FTB does not recognize the "FACT" tag even though it is valid in GEDCOM 5.5.1, so the template sets Tag Names.Custom Attribute Tag to "EVEN"


FTB does not recognize Name Tag Types. The FTB import log lists NAME.TYPE GEDCOM records as errors, but they are not. NAME.TYPE is valid in GEDCOM 5.5.1.


FTB does not import "master place" records, so the template sets Places.Include Master Place List to unchecked. Place exhibits are ignored, as are latitude/longitude coordinates. The FTB import log lists PLAC.MAP GEDCOM records as errors, but they are not. PLAC.MAP is valid in GEDCOM 5.5.1.

Printer Codes

FTB does not recognize text formatting so most printer codes are removed. Restore the printer codes if you want to see TMG's original formatting in FTB.


FTB does not support roles.


The template sets Sources.Include Formatted Source to checked. It also sets Sources.Use Formatted Source as TITL to checked. The formatted source appears as the Source Title in FTB.


FTB does not support shared events. The template sets all individual events to Cloned event and all individual attributes to Cloned attribute.