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Gramps is a free, open source genealogy application.

TMG to GEDCOM includes a template for exporting from TMG into Gramps. In addition to the commonly-supported GEDCOM records like people, names, events, families, citations, sources, and exhibits, the template helps produce a GEDCOM that supports:

  • Witnesses and role labels
  • Flag values as Gramps Attributes

Template Notes

John Cardinal created this template and tested with version 5.1.1-1 of Gramps.

Citation Reference

Gramps has no citation field that is equivalent to TMG's Citation Reference. The template sets the Tag Names.Citation Reference Tag to "DATA.TEXT". Gramps loads the Citation Reference value into athe "Source text" field of the citation.


Gramps does not support sort dates. The template sets Dates.Include Sort Dates to unchecked so sort dates are not included in the GEDCOM export file.


The template sets Exhibits.Include Primary Indicators to checked.

TMG's exhibit caption becomes the media item title in Gramps. TMG's exhibit description becomes a Media Note in Gramps.


The template sets Flags.Flags to "Export as FACT/TYPE". TMG flags become attributes in Gramps where the flag values are shown on a separate "Attributes" tab.


Gramps does not recognize primary indicators for name and event participants, so the template sets GEDCOM Format.Include Primary Indicators to unchecked.

GEDCOM Tag Names

The template sets Tag Names.Citation Reference Tag to "DATA.TEXT". See the Citation Reference section above.

The template sets Tag Names.Custom Attribute Tag to "EVEN". While Gramps recognizes the "FACT" tag, which is the default, custom attributes cannot be shared and so "EVEN" produces better results.

The template sets Tag Names.Shared Event Tag to "_WITN" which is the custom tag that Gramps expects.

The template sets Tag Names.Person Role Tag to "TYPE" which is the custom tag that Gramps expects.


Gramps does not import "master place" records, so the template sets Places.Include Master Place List to unchecked.

Role Names

The template sets Role Names.For Principal to "Primary" which is the value that Gramps expects.


The template sets Sources.Include Formatted Source to checked. It also sets Sources.Use Formatted Source as TITL to checked. The formatted source appears as the Source Title in Gramps.


The template sets several individual attributes to Cloned attribute to avoid an issue where Gramps does not allow certain attributes to be shared.