

This page explains some of the error messages TMG to GEDCOM may write in the Application log when exporting a GEDCOM file.

Invalid Length

You may see error messages like this in the Application log:

Invalid text length for event-type text for person #n

The message indicates that the TMG person with the given ID number has an event with the given event-type that has a memo whose length exceeds the limit defined in the GEDCOM specification for a GEDCOM attribute.

In GEDCOM, events are different from attributes. TMG uses its events for several values that are attributes in GEDCOM. An Occupation event in TMG is exported as an OCCU attribute in GEDCOM, for example.

GEDCOM attributes have length limits placed on the attribute's text value. When TMG to GEDCOM is exporting a TMG event memo to a GEDCOM attribute's text value, TMG to GEDCOM checks whether the TMG memo length is within the GEDCOM limits and writes the error message above when it is not. How TMG to GEDCOM proceeds after writing the error message depends on the GEDCOM Format.Attributes Mode property.

For example, a TMG Occupation event is typically exported as a GEDCOM OCCU attribute. This is typically the best, most compatible choice. However, there are limits on the length of the OCCU text. TMG to GEDCOM writes an error message when the TMG event's memo exceeds the length limit of GEDCOM's OCCU attribute.

See: GEDCOM Attribute Length Limits

Invalid Numeric Value

You may see error messages like this in the Application log:

Invalid numeric value for event-type text for person #n

The message indicates that the TMG person with the given ID number has an event with the given event-type that has a memo whose value is not numeric, but the GEDCOM Attribute rules specify that only numeric values are allowed.

In GEDCOM, events are different from attributes. TMG uses its events for several values that are attributes in GEDCOM. A Num Child event in TMG is exported as a NCHI attribute in GEDCOM, for example.

TMG to GEDCOM will attempt to convert some words to numbers, such as changing "one" to "1" and "two" to "2". If that does not avoid the error, TMG to GEDCOM will write the error message above. How TMG to GEDCOM proceeds after writing the error message depends on the GEDCOM Format.Attributes Mode property.

For example, a TMG Num Child event is typically exported as a GEDCOM NCHI attribute. This is typically the best, most compatible choice. However, GEDCOM 5.5.1's NCHI record is limited to a text value that must be from one to three digits. TMG to GEDCOM writes an error message when the TMG event's memo does not meet that restriction.

See: GEDCOM Attribute Number Limits

Invalid SSN Value

You may see error messages like this in the Application log:

Invalid SSN value for event-type text for person #n

The message indicates that the TMG person with the given ID number has an event with the given event-type that has a memo whose value is not in the format required for Social Security Numbers required by the GEDCOM SSN Attribute.

In GEDCOM, events are different from attributes. TMG uses its events for several values that are attributes in GEDCOM. An SSN event in TMG is exported as an SSN attribute in GEDCOM. It is unusual for other TMG events to be exported as SSN attributes, but a TMG Tag Type definition may be configured that way.

When writing a GEDCOM SSN attribute, TMG to GEDCOM will attempt to recognize Social Security numbers and convert them to the required format if they are not in the proper format already. If that does not succeed, TMG to GEDCOM will write the error message above. How TMG to GEDCOM proceeds after writing the error message depends on the GEDCOM Format.Attributes Mode property.

See: GEDCOM SSN Limits